Elevate Your Breakfast with Air Fryer Fried Eggs

Elevate Your Breakfast with Air Fryer Fried Eggs

Air fryers are a fast and easy substitute for stovetop frying when it comes to cooking eggs. Easy to prepare in a matter of minutes, crispy fried eggs with rich, creamy yolks need no cleanup. Eggs fried in an air fryer use 25% less oil, reducing calories and fat while adding a healthy protein boost to any meal.

Try my delectable eggs fried in the air fryer for a gourmet breakfast at home! For three ways to air-fry eggs, including tips on equipment, temperature, and cooking time, check out my quick tutorial. Put it in your bookmarks.

Use your air fryer to quickly cook eggs if you're in a hurry and want to have breakfast. The night before, cut and shape your foil, and then let it cook in the air fryer while you brew coffee. You may skip the ramekin! You may boil two eggs at once if you spread the foil to an 8 by 10 inch size.

Read also: 

Ingredients And Tools

Fried Eggs in Air Fryer

These air-fried eggs are really easy to make and always turn out perfectly: crispy on the exterior with a creamy, runny yolk inside. Continue reading for advice on what sort of pan to use when frying eggs in the air fryer, cook time and temperature, serving ideas, and other useful information!


  • 1 large egg, refrigerated
  • Avocado oil spray


  • A shallow, non-stick tray or a small, low-setting bake pan
  • Oven mitts
  • Spatula

What Kind Of Pan Can I Use In An Air Fryer?

There are many options for egg pans when cooking eggs in air fryer. The important thing is you’re using non-stick, oven-friendly cookware and it’s shallow so that the air can circulate.

  • Shallow, non-stick baking tray
  • Mini cast-iron skillet
  • Mini pie pan, mini cake pan, or mini pizza pan
  • Ramekins
  • Disposable foil pans

How To Make Fried Egg In Air Fryer

This air fryer egg recipe is ready in minutes with just a few simple steps—and clean-up is minimal! Here’s how to cook eggs in an air fryer:

  1. Preheat the fryer basket and pan for 5 minutes after spraying with oil.
  2. Crack an egg into a small cup or dish, then gently pour it over the heated pan or platter.
  3. Air-fry one egg for 3 minutes until sunny side up or overeasy. If you want a medium egg yolk, add 1 minute to the cooking time. To extract the egg, use a firm-tipped spatula.

Air fryer temperature and time may vary based on your air fryer unit, the size of the egg, and if the egg is cold (refrigerated) or room temperature before it hits the pan.
